About Down Syndrome Association
Borne out of love and devotion by a group of parents of children with Down syndrome, Down Syndrome Association (Singapore) (DSA) is a non-profit social service agency established in 1995 and formally registered as a society on 16 September 1996. DSA was registered as a charity under the Charities Act (Chapter 37) on 17 January 1997 and is a full member of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). DSA has a Constitution as its governing instrument.

The objectives of the Association are:
- To enable persons with Down syndrome to attain their full potential;
- To provide support and information to families of persons with Down syndrome;
- To educate the public in all aspects of Down syndrome;
- To work towards providing better opportunities for persons with Down syndrome so that they can have a better and secured future, working with other agencies where appropriate;
- To provide and promote an advisory service about all aspects of Down syndrome;
- To assemble and disseminate relevant information on all aspects of Down syndrome;
- To initiate and support projects for the direct benefit of persons with Down syndrome;
- To promote independence and self-advocacy in persons with Down syndrome and to provide assistance when necessary;
- To promote, encourage and participate in
- research into all aspects of Down syndrome;
- the publication of the results of all relevant research, and;
- the dissemination, and where appropriate, the application of the resulting knowledge; and
- To carry out all other activities in furthering and enhancing the welfare of persons with Down syndrome.

Our Vision
To be the Centre of Excellence for individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community.
Our Mission
- Develop individuals with Down syndrome through lifelong learning and social integration.
- Support families through specialist services, information, and education.
- Advocate for equal opportunities, quality of life and their contribution to society.
Our Shared Values

We demonstrate strong belief in and dedication to our shared vision and core values.

We uphold ethics and moral principles in all our conduct.

We aim to excel in all that we do with positive attitudes, openness, and knowledge.

We achieve our goals through camaraderie, synergy and partnership for the benefit of our stakeholders.

Our Logo
Our logo, in the form of a flying kite incorporates the initials of the Association where:
- D (lower case), signifies infancy and childhood
- S forms the tail or ‘rudder’, to steer and stabilise
- A signifies dynamism and growth
The flying motion of the kite exemplifies the objectives of the Association and symbolises the hopes, aspirations, and abilities of a person with Down syndrome – to be able to soar to greater heights. Society, synonymous with a strong continuous gust of wind, will steer them in the right direction.
Charity Information
Unique Entity Number (UEN): S96SS0170K
Registered Society since 16 September 1996.
Registered Charity since 17 January 1997.
IPC Status: Live
IPC Effective Period: 1 Oct 2022 to 31 July 2025
Registered Address: 9 Bishan Place #09-01, Junction 8 (Office Tower) Singapore 579837
Sector Administrator: Ministry of Social and Family Development
Auditor: Helmi Talib LLP
Bankers: DBS Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UOB Bank
Fund Manager: DBS Bank Treasury & Markets, Lion Global Investors, UOB Asset Management Ltd

About Down Syndrome Association
- 1995
Formation of the Down Syndrome Support Group - 1996
Appointed as the organiser for the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Down syndrome
Registered with Registry of Society (ROS) - 1997
Registered as a charity under the Charities Act
Accepted by the National Council of Social Service as a member - 2001
Official Opening of Enable Centre at Telok Blangah Crescent - 2002
Initiated a pilot preschool integration program at Radin Mas Kindergarten - 2004
Commencement of Adult Enhancement Program
Commencement of Enrichment Programs
Appointed as the organiser for the 8th World Down Syndrome Congress held in Singapore - 2006
Inaugural launch of World Down Syndrome Day - 2008
Official Opening of DSA Thrift Shop - 2009
Commencement of Integration Facilitation Support Program - 2013
Official Opening of DSA Centre at Bishan Junction 8 - 2015
Commencement of Infant Toddler Program - 2018
Commencement of Our Lives, Our Voices: A self-advocacy project - 2019
Official Opening of Independent Living and Training Centre - 2021
Launch of Early Start Family Program - 2022
DSA launched our 25th Anniversary Life Membership Recruitment Drive - 2023
Launch of Enhanced Independence Program
Launch of Work Readiness Assisted Program - 2024
DSA launch refreshed Strategic Plans 2024 – 2028
Our Patron & Advisors
Mr Tan Soo Khoon
Emeritus Professor Dr S. Vasoo
Dr Balbir Singh
Dr Bhavani Sriram
Ms Christine Sekhon
Board of Management 2023/24
Deputy Chairperson
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Immediate Past Chairman
Mr Alex Yan
Ms Li Shuyun
Mr Chan Wing Git
Mr Jonathan Seow Wei Peng
Mr Adrian Foo Qijing
Ms Helena Oh Hui Jun
Mr Khairul Alam Bin Mohd Zaini
Mr Nicholas Cheam
Mr Simon Soh Zhao Kun
Mr Teh Chu Tak Moses
DSA Organisational Chart
Annual Report
Corporate Governance
Code of Governance
All IPCs and Charities in Singapore to comply with the Code of Governance implemented in November 2007. This involves submitting online the extent of compliance through the Governance Evaluation Checklist developed by the Charity Council via the Charity Portal.
We are pleased to report that DSA has complied with all applicable guidelines of the Code of Governance Evaluation Checklist for large charities with gross receipts of $10 million or more; and IPCs with gross annual receipts of $200,000 and up to $10 million.
Click on the button below to view the Code of Governance Evaluation List 2022.
Learn moreWhistleblowing Policy
DSA is committed to serving with integrity and compliance with regulations. DSA has a whistle-blowing policy which provides an avenue for individuals to report wrongdoing or improprieties in financial or other matters within the charity safely and without fear of repercussion.
You may download the full DSA Whistle Blowing Policy here.
A copy of the Whistle Blowing Form can be downloaded and sent via email or mail to the following address:
Email: admin@downsyndrome-singapore.org
Mailing Address: 9 Bishan Pl, #09-01 Junction 8 Office Tower, Singapore 579837